
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

As human beings, we have an intrinsic need to feel like we have an all powerful “safety net” there to catch us when we fall. We want to know we are not alone in the universe. A God archetype has been used throughout history to explain things that are fantastic, unknown or uncomfortable in most cultures. Praising an almighty being for the good that happens, and cursing them when bad things happen in our lives is part of that paradigm. Even though we have no tangible evidence that such a universal power exists, we still believe. Weather it is God, Alla, Buddha, Odin, or Isis, we hold fast to our faith because we need to.

Terrible things happen to good people every day. These things are sometimes self fulfilled, and sometimes completely random. People want to blame anyone but themselves, so they look outside in the world for a cause even when it is truly their own fault. Even a natural disaster needs to have a point of origin. So again, God gets the blame for lack of any physical source of the destruction caused in the world by earthquake, tornado, or hurricane. Sometime things just are what they are. No rhyme or reason can be given, they just happen.

I think the really important thing to remember in all this is that we are all in this together. We all go through life experiencing the same sorrows and triumphs as the people around us. What makes difference is how we move forward from those milestone events. Remaining locked in the joy or pain of any given life experience serves no one well. Forward progress should be our lifelong goal. Celebrate the good times, and grieve when you are sad, but do not let either consume you.

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What does it take for you to have regrets? Do you have to learn a painful lesson? Does someone close to you have to hurt or be  hurt before it sinks in that you could have done things differently? No one really knows until it happens to them. Like most negative aspects in life, it will blindside side you with little warning.

I recently discovered that I have some issues with my heart. I have not learned all the details yet, and the apprehension does nothing to improve matters. I do not know where it will take me in the near future, but it has made me begin to think. What could I have done differently? Who could I have loved better? Why does it have to take a painful, potentially life changing illness to make me think of such things?

We would all be happier people if we live every moment like it was our last. Love our family and friends like we may not see them tomorrow. Enjoy life and do all the things we have always wanted to do. Don’t wait until the regret kicks in and makes you feel nauseous and heavy in the heart. Live was meant to be lived, not regretted. Kiss your children more. Hug your brother or sister every time you see them, not just on their birthday. If the winds of the Summerland blow through your life, leave only love and footprints.

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I do not understand how the people in Forks, Washington can stand it. The dreary, misty gray setting for the popular vampire book series must be a haven for depression and misery. It is well and good for those that choose to live there, but when it comes to visit you, that is a totally different matter.

Depression can be a relative term, influencing each person in a different way. I never realized just how much our environment can affect the symptoms until the perpetual dull, overcast weather of the northwest came to visit. It has camped out with us here in the Midwest for several weeks now, and my mood is beginning to suffer.

All the joy seems to be leaching out of me as the fog engulfs my body whenever I step outside. My natural sleep rhythm is already faulty this time of year. A problem exacerbated by the never ending gloom that just will not seem to go away. So there is no motivation, no cheer, and no will to strive for anything. Everything sucks, and probably will, until the sun comes out. Tomorrow, maybe!? I sure hope so!

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Some can handle it, and some, not so much. I think there is many a misconception about alcohol. We write amusing anecdotal songs about the misadventures that it brings. Like the misconduct of an adult nature, or the liquid courage that enables feats of incredible stupidity. Sometimes, consumption is to celebrate happy events in our lives, as well as morning other, less joyous occasions. It seems to be offer a false sense of security in the more extreme times of our lives.

Do not get me wrong, I have had my fair share of hangovers in years past. I thought, as many do, that a few drinks would make the pain go away or the fun more enjoyable. A recent trip to Cancun solidified my resolve after I ended a seven-year dry spell in grand fashion. Only to find out later that I had embarrassed myself, and have the sickness come back fully renewed the morning after, all in the name of supposed fun. Why do we fool ourselves like that? What is so horrible about the joy and pain of our experiences that we need to seek chemical enhancement or numbing of life’s occurrences?

It is all part of the journey that we accepted when we took our first breath out of the womb. The happiness, trials and tribulations of life’s path are what make us strong enough to survive until the end. Somewhere along the way, we lost that realization that experiencing the peaks and valleys along the trail is part of the trip. Fuzzy memories of a dead loved one, caused by inebriation of one sort or another, are a disservice to their legacy. Getting drunk on your wedding night can cause some to forget wonderful memories and some more private events may not occur at all.

Life is too short to miss out on all the experiences it has to offer. Pain and pleasure both are our right as human beings. We should not fear the pain of losing someone, but celebrate that we got to enjoy their company while they were here. Do not try to enhance the joys of life by altering your state of mind. Remember with razor sharp clarity all that we have seen, done, and taken part in throughout our lives. Live every moment like there will be no more that follow. Stand strong on your own two feet, and face the events that come with the courage and clarity to handle anything the universe can throw at you. The way it was meant to be. That is what it is to be truly alive!

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Why do people fear what they do not understand?
We are only stewards, not owners of this land.

Who gave them the right to dictate what others may do or choose not to?
They cannot not control themselves, much less me or you.

What makes them so qualified to speak for everyone?
If they do not begin to listen more, all progress may be undone.

Where is it written that being part of a certain group gives you dominion over all the others?
Lead by example, with compassion for your sisters and brothers.

When will we all grow up and realize that we are all connected?
The bond between all of us, and everything, must be respected.

How will we survive the next millennium if we don’t?
This one is simple, we won’t.

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The oak planks of the merchant ship Evelyn heaved, as the deck exploded to his left and sent him sprawling. He shook his head and blinked away the flash spots as he fought to remain conscious. The young lieutenant now had a ringing in his ears to accompany his pounding skull. A struggle ensued with his limbs, as he regained his feet. David Jonas stumbled to the bow railing and peered down at the water, gathering his bearings again before returning to the fight.

Sighting a pursuing ship off the starboard flank, an alarm rang out with daybreak. She was under full sail and gaining fast. It had taken only a short time to rouse the sleeping crew and weigh the night anchor. By then, the skull and bones were visible without the Captain’s eyeglass. Every sailor knows that having your ship boarded was not the best way to ensure survival. Three hours spent tacking and trimming the sails had led them to that eventuality.

The battle had taken a turn for the worse with that last volley of cannon fire. The Man-of-war and her pirate crew were preparing to board his vessel. Groups of sailors were organizing to repel the dogs. David knew the inevitable was about to come to pass. With victory or death, he thought. With his rapier in one hand and a belay pin in the other, he steeled himself and turned back to face the final assault.

Iron hooks thrown across into the rigging found purchase, and pirates began to swing across the spanning waters. He took two steps toward the oncoming aggressors before something slammed hard into his chest. The blow spun him a quarter turn, and he sunk to both knees at his former spot near the railing. Dropping blade and club alike, David brought up a hand to the fresh ache that spread out from the point of impact. Sudden nausea rumbled in his gut as he felt the hilt of a well-thrown dagger. A ragged half breath was all his damaged body could draw. Despair began to bloom as the battle raged around him.

The prow surged through the crest of a salty wave, and mist coated his face with its cool embrace. He glanced up and was startled to see a woman’s form outlined in the spray. Her unyielding countenance was riveted on the green officer. Any man was powerless to look away. The world around him was silent and frozen in that instant. He noticed nothing save her commanding beauty. It was the woman from his dreams.

Three evenings past had brought him recurring dreams. Each night she would come to him as the same beautiful, smoldering woman in a different guise. First, she appeared as a lady of prominence, haughty and demanding. Next, she was a slave girl, demure and willing. Only hours ago her final facade had been a bride, loving and expectant. All three had told him of a great task he must undertake for her. Each one had promised him great rewards for his compliance. He had thought it all nothing but the fantasies of a lonely sailor. He was mistaken, for here she was in all her glory.

“I am here to fulfill my pledge to thee, Lieutenant.” Lips parted but formed no words. Her sultry voice reverberated in his ears alone. “You shall not die this day, if you swear fealty to me. Give me your word of honor to protect the peaceful travelers upon my oceans for the rest of your days. Do you agree?” Small misty hands reached out to him, and moisture clung to his cheek from the gentle caress. She was as beautiful and strong as his beloved sea. At that moment, David knew his heart was lost to her forever.

He nodded dumbly. “Yes Calypso, I swear it.” She smiled at him, and the image faded as the mist enveloped his body. The dagger, forced out from within, slid from his chest and clattered across the deck. It left behind only smooth, pale skin beneath the hole rent in his bloodstained shirt.

“Rise and fight for me, my love, my Davey Jones. Remain true to my cause, that we may bask in each other’s arms for eternity,” her voice echoed and faded. A new man arose with a rapier of unbreakable strength, as the mist dissolved and the battle resumed. He turned and flashed a wicked grin that grew as his enemies fell before his blade. The deck was awash with rivers of blood in but a heartbeat of time. He marched through the battle with a confidence born from divine promises in the sea mist.

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My Meaning of Life

I think the meaning of life is different for everyone. Not just a little different, I mean like fingerprint different. No two are exactly alike. Some groups of people are naturally attracted and bound together by similar ideals and beliefs, but the individual meanings that one puts to them are always unique. Weather it is politics, religion, or a career choice there will always be things that bring people together. Human beings are intrinsically social animals, yet each individual must find their own meaning in the life they live, and most look endlessly for what defines it. Those definitions come from within and cannot be created for us by someone else. Therefore, they are as different as one person is from all the rest.

Personally, I like to think that my meaning of life transcends the typical, politically correct view of the topic. Most people that speak English seem to think that a persons meaning of life should come from and be completely intertwined with a religious belief, usually one form of Christianity or another. I don’t think that’s necessarily true, otherwise the majority of the world, which is not Christian, would be morally corrupt and barbaric. Some might say that current events around the globe would argue that point, but it’s more like one bad apple makes the whole basket smell bad, even if they’re not rotten themselves. There are many other religions on our planet and most of their followers are peaceful people that want a good life for themselves and their heirs, and that didn’t rely on the god of the Christian faith to make them that way.

Or maybe it did, in a way. I believe that most of the worlds religions are all based around the same deity, and the same moral values that we are all born with. The names may be different and the stories may be altered to make them relevant to the culture that they come from, but they are still founded in the same roots. Even the ones with multiple gods are really just providing many facets of the same divine influence. Some believe we need to have a perfect image of the divine example set before us as a goal to strive for, and some people do. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes that we regret later. It’s always been like that after all, we’re only human. So the stories are told to help us remember our moral obligations and help curtail or mistakes, or at least keep them to a minimum.

The real meaning to life is Happiness and Contentment. Everyone wants and needs it, and when it comes right down to it, it’s the driving factor in almost everything we do, say or think. It manifests itself in different ways for each of us. We eat our favorite foods and enjoy our favorite activities because it makes us happy, regardless of weather they’re good for us or not. We treat people a certain way because it makes us happy to make them feel good or miserable. We get up and go to work each day because it provides a source of income that allows us to do the things that make us happy, or for a select few, the work itself makes us happy. We go to a church, mosque, or other place of worship to help maintain a faith in the common goodness of ourselves and our fellow man. To help us overcome our fears of death and the unknown, and that all makes us feel happy and content. In reality they are but normal weaknesses of the human condition, with an equal number of solutions and ways of camouflage.

Still there are some others that have a stronger sense of themselves. I myself am working to be that kind of person. They understand that all of this is essentially unnecessary if their happiness comes from within. If you make you feel good, if you’re a good person and you like yourself, then you can be happy alone or in a crowd of thousands. If you are this type of person, you can depend on yourself for happiness and be content without relying on religious dogma, the touch of a lover, or the happiness or misery of others to provide it for you. You can give thanks to yourself, a great deity, and Mother Earth for your life without any regret or fear of reprisal from any of them. You can live a good, honest, morally responsible life with integrity, and without the need for guidance from multiple outside sources. You don’t have to buy what others want, or take what others have away from them. Those are just temporary solutions at any rate.

Regardless of race, religion, political party, sexual orientation, or planet of origin, we all must find our own path to realizing the meaning of life. True happiness is perpetual and self-sustaining. For me, finding it and passing that knowledge on to my children is the meaning of life.

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The Existential Ramblings of

a Worldly Man

The reality of this world is but an illusion.

We function in a dream that we create

and perpetuate without understanding

how or caring why.

Our joys and sorrows are treated as

milestones to help us recall the

memories in our twilight.

They are instead, a series of karmic events

that are shared by

every creature in the universe.

Creatures that share our burdens and support us,

through the good and the ill,

when we need it and when we don’t.

Every action has some effect on them,

whether positive, negative or indifferent.

We are part of them as much as

they are part of us.

The feelings and emotions created out of

countless thoughts, ideas and memories

are a lie told by our intrinsic primal nature.

A nature innate in all of mankind.

Stronger in some than in others.

Creating a false hierarchy that

has been utilized since the began of man,

to rationalize to himself, this false reality

and justify his treatment of others.

This self imposed reality is known to only a few,

and understood by even less.

True universal reality is constant

and more equally balanced than

anything man will ever be able to

create or truly comprehend.

The universe and it’s creatures are not here

for us to do with as we wish.

We are all part of the whole,

everything that is,

has been, or ever will be.

One thing on this world is no more

significant or insignificant than anything

on the unseen side of the universe.

No one person is any more or less

important than any other.

The strong are not made stronger

by abusing the weak.

Instead they are actually loosing

a piece of their universal equality

by trying to take it from someone else.

While the victim of their folly is

exalted for enduring it.

The universe has its own system

of checks and balances,

timeless and unalterable.

This system provides a level field of play,

and never provides a player with

any advantage that it does not give to everyone.

Most people are of the skewed idea that

Doing a few special things will earn them

more favor in the universal karmic game.

Never understanding that playing consistently with

honor and integrity on a daily basis

is truly worthy of the most recognition.

We are all playing, all of the time.

The Universe is not only the playing field,

but also the referee and scorekeeper.

Practitioners of peace and humanity

are the champions of this game.

While captains of industry, political leaders,

and religious icons rarely do more

than just talk about the playbook.

The wealthy never do as much as they can

for those less fortunate.

World leaders come to office on the coat tails

of their wealthy compatriots.

Only to govern with the same cavalier attitude and

doing nothing that does not further their career,

or offer themselves some other benefit.

Religious icons appoint their own leadership,

and modify their beliefs as it suits them.

After centuries of influencing and being

influenced by politics and money,

corruption and immorality are more prevalent

than any offered salvation or peace.

The only true measure of greatness

is in the accomplishments of the individual.

A beings worth is not measured by money,

status, or position, but by the morals and goodwill

that are radiated outwardly from within.

Think, speak and act kindly to others.

Give forgiveness quickly to those who ask.

Be slow to anger or judge.

Reflect and respond rather than react.

Treat all things with the respect that you

would want them to show to you.

These are the marks of true greatness.

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Why is it that human beings allow fear to make so many decisions for them. It seems to be a genetic defect that strikes us all. There appears to be no rhym or reason, and no race, creed or religious group is immune. It is a pity actually. We could be making great strides in curing desease and wiping out hunger across the globe. Still we seem to want destruction and death to define us. It is not fair, but it is the world we live in. Until our leaders see the error of their ways, and control the fear they feal, we will have to endure.

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