
Posts Tagged ‘Pirates’

The oak planks of the merchant ship Evelyn heaved, as the deck exploded to his left and sent him sprawling. He shook his head and blinked away the flash spots as he fought to remain conscious. The young lieutenant now had a ringing in his ears to accompany his pounding skull. A struggle ensued with his limbs, as he regained his feet. David Jonas stumbled to the bow railing and peered down at the water, gathering his bearings again before returning to the fight.

Sighting a pursuing ship off the starboard flank, an alarm rang out with daybreak. She was under full sail and gaining fast. It had taken only a short time to rouse the sleeping crew and weigh the night anchor. By then, the skull and bones were visible without the Captain’s eyeglass. Every sailor knows that having your ship boarded was not the best way to ensure survival. Three hours spent tacking and trimming the sails had led them to that eventuality.

The battle had taken a turn for the worse with that last volley of cannon fire. The Man-of-war and her pirate crew were preparing to board his vessel. Groups of sailors were organizing to repel the dogs. David knew the inevitable was about to come to pass. With victory or death, he thought. With his rapier in one hand and a belay pin in the other, he steeled himself and turned back to face the final assault.

Iron hooks thrown across into the rigging found purchase, and pirates began to swing across the spanning waters. He took two steps toward the oncoming aggressors before something slammed hard into his chest. The blow spun him a quarter turn, and he sunk to both knees at his former spot near the railing. Dropping blade and club alike, David brought up a hand to the fresh ache that spread out from the point of impact. Sudden nausea rumbled in his gut as he felt the hilt of a well-thrown dagger. A ragged half breath was all his damaged body could draw. Despair began to bloom as the battle raged around him.

The prow surged through the crest of a salty wave, and mist coated his face with its cool embrace. He glanced up and was startled to see a woman’s form outlined in the spray. Her unyielding countenance was riveted on the green officer. Any man was powerless to look away. The world around him was silent and frozen in that instant. He noticed nothing save her commanding beauty. It was the woman from his dreams.

Three evenings past had brought him recurring dreams. Each night she would come to him as the same beautiful, smoldering woman in a different guise. First, she appeared as a lady of prominence, haughty and demanding. Next, she was a slave girl, demure and willing. Only hours ago her final facade had been a bride, loving and expectant. All three had told him of a great task he must undertake for her. Each one had promised him great rewards for his compliance. He had thought it all nothing but the fantasies of a lonely sailor. He was mistaken, for here she was in all her glory.

“I am here to fulfill my pledge to thee, Lieutenant.” Lips parted but formed no words. Her sultry voice reverberated in his ears alone. “You shall not die this day, if you swear fealty to me. Give me your word of honor to protect the peaceful travelers upon my oceans for the rest of your days. Do you agree?” Small misty hands reached out to him, and moisture clung to his cheek from the gentle caress. She was as beautiful and strong as his beloved sea. At that moment, David knew his heart was lost to her forever.

He nodded dumbly. “Yes Calypso, I swear it.” She smiled at him, and the image faded as the mist enveloped his body. The dagger, forced out from within, slid from his chest and clattered across the deck. It left behind only smooth, pale skin beneath the hole rent in his bloodstained shirt.

“Rise and fight for me, my love, my Davey Jones. Remain true to my cause, that we may bask in each other’s arms for eternity,” her voice echoed and faded. A new man arose with a rapier of unbreakable strength, as the mist dissolved and the battle resumed. He turned and flashed a wicked grin that grew as his enemies fell before his blade. The deck was awash with rivers of blood in but a heartbeat of time. He marched through the battle with a confidence born from divine promises in the sea mist.

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